The Rational Foundation promotes science, logic, and critical thinking in Education, Religion and Politics.

The Pillars of Creation and birth of stars
6,500 light-years from Earth, the Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula is the birth of stars.
The Human Brain
The average Human Brain has 86 billion neurons…use them well

When trying to differentiate the rational from the irrational, from pursuing the greatest truths to battling the smallest lies, its important to maintain some perspective.

Gut Microbiota
Between gut microbiota and our skin biome there are 100 trillion+ microorganisms per person weighting over 4 lbs. That’s 12,500 times the entire human population of Earth. Walking empires. You are not just responsible for yourself, there are trillions of organisms that are depending on you!

We’ve made more progress in the field of Neuroscience over the past 30 yrs than in all previous study of the brain combined, but we are still only guessing at why we dream.

Rational Thought

By nature human beings are not rational. It takes effort and discipline to at the very least emulate rationality. We can improve our ability to screen out disinformation and bias to make healthier, more sustainable decisions for our lives and for our species. Continued

Understanding Science

Be skeptical….Question everything! This includes all of the information you are exposed to. So, what is Science, The Scientific Method, and given political and corporate influences, how far can we trust it? Continued

Science as Religion

The perpetual emergence of religions and the desire for answers to the question why seems tp be one of our basic psychological needs. A coherent philosophy can be built on just a few basic premises. Continued