Rational Thought

[Document Still In Progress]

A Rational Foundation

The only thing we as human beings can know for absolute surety is that we exist. Our consciousness sits behind our two eyes, gathering in whatever we can perceive about the world and tries to make sense of it. Do we exist in a highly detailed simulation as suggested in the Matrix or is there an independent reality we share that is independent of us. It is really our first belief, that we exist in a world where others exist…it’s the building block upon which everything else is built, and at most we can say that it is highly likely, given the complexity of the world around us, that it is true. As we grow up we are told things and read things and occasionally work something out for ourselves. In Descartes meditations he referred to this collection of beliefs as an apple basket. Some of them might be “rotten” and thus capable of infecting other beliefs, but the only way of discovering them was to throw out the whole lot, good and bad, and only replace the sound ones in the “basket” of beliefs that are certain. [needs citation] It makes sense if you think about it in terms of logic and derivations. Having a false axiom will let you derive a false conclusion. Axioms are the foundation. They are supposed to always be true. For example [graphic description:

Axiomatic Set:
if A=B and B=C then A=C (transitive property)
if A, B, and C are TRUE, then TRUE = TRUE
if A and B are TRUE, but C is false then TRUE = FALSE, an obvious contradiction or false derivation.


All that is to say having just one false premise can lead to a multitude of false conclusions. In practical terms lets say you believe that Santa exists, and therefore Santa’s magic exists, but if Santa does not exist then you cannot say whether Santa’s magic exists or not. Descartes basic argument for the existence of God was that he exists, and therefore there must be a creator, and that creator is God. Of course existence doesn’t imply any characteristics of a creator other then that they could create. I sometimes picture the universe as this this ever exploding existence of increasing entropy that expands from one big bang somehow into a new big bang that perhaps starts with new universal constants. An eternally booming cycle that eventually arrives back at the beginning so that it can start all over again. Just another blooming flower in God’s garden. No real proof for that other then the theory of the big bang and existence of entropy, but I like the symmetry, and that’s what I think life is about, the search for answers.

Mankind can learn

It takes mankind time to learn new things

There does not appear to be a limit to what we can know scientifically (leap of faith that seems more likely every day)

If the Big Questions are Knowable and there is no limit to what Mankind can know, then we have to last long enough as a species in order to find these answers

[Need to illustrate the mathematical proof]

(how this forms a rational foundation and gives us a pair of rose tinted glasses to view our actions through)

Our brains continuously process information, trying to organize it and make useful conclusions from all of that info and we can improve our ability to minimize bias and assign appropriate levels of belief to make healthier, more sustainable decisions for our lives and for our species.

Being Rational

There are many definitions of rationality. Oxford defines it as “the quality of being based on or in accordance with reason or logic.”, so lets narrow it down and give a practical definition for being rational. Rationality can be defined as assigning the appropriate amount of certainty to a particular belief based on the amount of scientific proof for that belief. Human beings are not naturally rational….we have to work hard at it and it seems like in recent years that certain segments of the population aren’t working very hard at it at all. I remember commenting on a friends post and asking “Where’s your link to the source that you are basing your opinion on?” He responded that people don’t do that these days, and he’s not wrong, but if you can’t supply a basis for your opinion and let others evaluate the source for themselves, then it’s just gossip.

human beings are information processing engines….we take in external and internal data and produce actions and a stream of consciousness…
we are not digital cameras….information is not stored directly…we process information…sight, sound, smell…forming edges, identifying objects and smells….creating representations in
our brains…through the firing of our neurons….we misidentify things all the time…optical illusions, phantom sights or sounds…magicians make a living taking advantage of the brain’s
quirks. Needless to say, although you can trust your senses to a certain degree, you have to take it all with a grain of salt. Rational thought is not a given, it is something we have to continuously strive for.

Pitfalls, confirmation bias, repeated lies, over simplification, racial bias, superstition, emotional investment, group think/mob mentality reinforcement, logical fallacies
Examples of being rational vs irrational.

Measuring rationality can seem a bit arbitrary, but we have a perfectly good measuring stick for the amount of belief we should assign a concept or belief called Science.

Being rational is assigning the appropriate amount of belief to any given concept based on the amount of scientific evidence available

Science is not about certainty, it is about probability.

Scientific Fact – Scientific Consensus – Some Scientific Proof – No Scientific Proof

highly likely – likely – unlikely – highly unlikely

Rational – mostly rational – questionably rational – irrational – fanatically irrational

Undigested Bits

[Many organized religions tell us they already have the answer to the Big Questions, but that they will never be scientifically knowable. They essentially present a version of reality that can’t be proven until after we die….picture it like a coin flip where they assure you it’s absolutely going to land on heads, but you won’t find out until you pass on to the other side and see if you guessed right.]